Tarjolla koulutusta auringon UV-säteilyn haitoista
Auringon UV-säteilyn haitat ja niiden ehkäisy – kahden ICOH-komitean kokous Helsingissä 12.12.-13.12.2017!
Health effects of solar UV radiation in workers: Effective prevention needed
Highlights of the programme:
Marilyn Fingerhut, ICOH:
• Global Burden of Disease: Past, Present and Future
Shengli Niu, ILO – Keynote:
• ILO activities for the prevention of the risk related to occupational exposure to solar UV
Claas Ulrich, Charité – Keynote:
• Considerations for effective prevention of outdoor-workers against UV-radiation
Jos Verbeek, FIOH:
• When work is related to disease, what establishes evidence for a causal relation?
Fabriziomaria Gobba, University of Modena:
• The main factors influencing solar UV exposure in workers
See the full programme and register at:
HUOM. Koulutus hyväksytään teoreettiseksi kurssimuotoiseksi koulutukseksi työterveyshuoltoon erikoistuville lääkäreille.